Our fees cover all the routine expenses of living including accommodation, meals, laundry, toiletries, outings and medical care.
Self-funding or Local Authority funded?
The amount you pay towards the weekly fee depends on a means test of your assets. If your assets and savings total less than £14,000, most local authorities will meet the weekly cost in full, although a ‘top-up’ paid directly to the nursing home by a third party (usually a relative) will be required. If your assets and savings are worth between £14,000 and £23,250, you will be required to make a contribution towards the weekly cost of your care. This will be £1 for every £250 of capital above £14,000. If you have assets and savings worth more than £23,250 you will have to meet the total cost of your care yourself and are classed as ‘self-funding’ but will receive NHS funded nursing care where the NHS pays for the nursing care component of nursing home fees (see below).
NHS Funded Nursing Care (F.N.C.)
The NHS will pay a contribution towards the nursing part of your care. The payment is currently £235.88 per week. If you’re eligible for NHS funded nursing care, the NHS will arrange and fund nursing care provided by registered nurses employed by a care home. Services provided by a registered nurse include planning, supervising and monitoring nursing and healthcare tasks, as well as direct nursing care.
NHS Continuing Healthcare (C.H.C.) Funding
NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding is a package of care provided outside hospital, arranged and funded by the NHS who will meet the full cost of nursing home fees. People who are eligible are likely to:
• have a complex medical condition that requires a lot of care and support
• need highly specialised nursing support
Attendance Allowance
This tax-free state benefit is not means tested and anyone who has reached state pension age can apply for it. There are currently two rates, a lower rate (£72.65 per week) and a higher rate (£108.55 per week). The Home Manager will be happy to assist those wishing to enter a claim.
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